Musical Fidelity A100

This one  looks like a Stealth Bomber ! Not a marking to be seen !! Yes you can hear the fans but only up close not audible when music is playing

Essentially then, the Musical Fidelity A100 offers a unique sound – one that’s butter-smooth, sugary sweet and decently powerful to boot. Yet its stellar midband is what really impresses most people; it has excellent clarity, detail and instrumental separation. Overall, it’s as close to a good valve amplifier that a solid-state amp can get – including the heat at which it runs. If you want a good one, expect to pay around £500 – and then be amazed by how you got such a refined sound so cheaply.

The new A100 arrived in 1985, selling for £399. Effectively an A1 on steroids, “it basically had the same sound but more grunt. I wanted this valve quality, without being syrupy-stupid”, Tim told me. It kept its little brother’s looks but was housed in a slightly taller case that permitted the use of a chunkier power supply and twin cooling fans. This time around by the way, the sides of the case were peppered with cooling holes; unlike the A1 these didn’t arrive in a revised version! The new amplifier produced a claimed 50W RMS per channel into 8 ohms, a big step up from the A1 and giving it true, real-world loudspeaker driving ability. Much the same circuit was used – aside from a larger power transformer with split rails and a 38V DC supply (inst Musical Fidelity claimed the A100 ran in 99% Class A, which explains the heat it put out.

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