Sony TC-500

Worth its asking price for the valve amp alone *SOLD*

Pictured Below

Track system: 4-track, 2-channel, stereo/monaural system

Reel size: up to 7 inch reel

Tape speeds: 3 34  7 12 ips

Wow and flutter: 0.15% (7 12 ips)

Frequency response: 30Hz to 18kHz (7 12 ips)

Signal to Noise Ratio: 50dB

Output power: 4 watts per channel

Valve complement: 2 x 12AD7, 2 x 6AU6, 2 x 6AQ5, 1 x 12BH7A

Dimensions: 470 x 410 x 310mm

Weight: 25kg